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  • Wise Property Solution

4 Steps to Improve Your Board’s Delegation Skills

As a member of your HOA Board of Directors, you have a busy life. You use technology to help you achieve your “to do” list, but you never quite get to all the important tasks. You continue to struggle through the weeks, thinking that you can catch up on the weekend. Maybe what you’re missing is the importance of delegation. Knowing when to delegate so that you can concentrate on what you do best is key to managing an association successfully.

Below are four steps that can help you be a more effective delegator so you can concentrate on the vital few things that make the most impact.

Identify who can do the task instead of you. Forming a committee of homeowners may be the answer for research or implementation. If you’re bogged down by day-to-day activities, hiring a property management company to take on some of the tasks would give you more time. Keep an eye out for who can take over some of your assignments and do them as well or better than you do.

Agree on the tasks. Whether you delegate to a person, committee or a management company, getting everyone on the same page is critical to the outcome. Take time upfront to discuss and agree on the expected result. Good delegators leave the “how to” details to the people completing the task, so stick to clarifying the result. Add information that is helpful, such as conveying an approach that has worked in the past or previous potential pitfalls.

Schedule regular check-ins. Setting up short meetings for regular reporting helps keep the task on track and prevents extra work. Both sides should prepare for these meetings to optimize your time together and prevent last-minute surprises.

Manage by Exception. When both sides agree to communicate immediately if something goes awry with the project, managing by exception can be very effective. This management style saves time by eliminating daily communication when everything is going according to plan, yet keeps you informed when there is a hiccup. You still need your regularly scheduled check-ins, but you don’t have to manage the extra daily reports.


Wise Property Solutions is a property management company serving East Tennessee with offices in Knoxville, TN and the Tri-Cities, TN-VA. Specializing in Condominium Association Management, Home Owners Association Management, HOA Management and Gated Community Association Management.

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