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Characteristics of a Good HOA Chairperson

Wise Property Solution

Condo and homeowner associations rely on volunteers for the Board of Directors, for sub-committees, annual events and other work that is required to operate a successful community. The committee chair can be the difference in success vs. failure. It’s the chairperson who makes the committees fun and purposeful. Here are xx tips to help you select the right chairperson for the job.

Choose a knowledgeable chair. It’s easier to lead when you have some subject knowledge. Expertise helps the chair lead purposeful meetings because they can see potential solutions and gaps much easier. Volunteers are sometimes scarce in HOAs, so you may not always be able to find a knowledgeable chair. When you can match talent with the need, it makes a positive difference.

Excel in communications. Being sensitive to the feelings of others and being able to accommodate the communication styles of others is an advantage for a chair. A well-spoken person who can clarify and summarize discussion points can tactfully advance the meetings without offending the people who ramble. At the same time, it’s important to understand that deviations are sometimes warranted and may lead you to a better result.

Be approachable. It’s important to balance authority with guidance. Chairpersons need to ability to identify and bring out the potential in others. Committee members often respond better to a leader with the ability to listen and encourage.

Demonstrate impartiality. Being fair and considering all sides of an argument equally is essential for a good chairperson. Knowing how to put your personal opinions aside to give equal time to the opinion of other member can win over the committee members more than any other action.

Engage committee members. While a good chairperson doesn’t force a member to contribute, he or she encourages everyone to participate in discussions and committee work. Outstanding chairpersons are quick to give committee members credit for a job well done. This recognition prompts many people into taking on more responsibility.

If your association is fortunate enough to have a great committee chair who attracts other volunteers to participate in community activities, stick with that person. Volunteerism builds community purpose and bonds. It’s the foundation that creates a sense of community. Volunteers are the lifeblood of your community and make it a vibrant place to live.


Wise Property Solutions is a property management company serving East Tennessee with offices in Knoxville, TN and the Tri-Cities, TN-VA. Specializing in Condominium Association Management, Home Owners Association Management, HOA Management and Gated Community Association Management.

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