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Five Personality Types that Can Help Your HOA Board Meetings

Wise Property Solution

Every HOA Board member knows there are some people who derail meetings. It’s especially difficult when other people feed off their behavior, and your meeting never gets back on course. There are lots of personalities that can hurt your condo or homeowner association Board meetings. But, it doesn’t take much to turn this around, and the same personalities can be your best allies.

Below are five personality types that can be a big help in your Board meetings if you add focus and use their talents correctly.

Maestro – This person makes your meetings a breeze. He/she always has an agenda, recaps discussions, and even manages the disrupters and grumps. If you have someone with this personality, hold on to him or her. They enjoy being effective and productive, and they help your Board thrive.

Multitasker – This individual is always doing two or three things at once. That can be good because they often get a lot done, but they also can miss much of what is said. Keep this person on track by talking to him or her often. When he or she is engaged in the meeting, you can accomplish a lot more instead of repeating yourself.

Socializer – This person can be a great asset because he or she establishes relationships easily with everyone. A socializer knows details and collaborates well. Keep them on track by asking for their input. Be aware that you may have to postpone viewing a few pictures to keep the meeting running on schedule.

Disrupter – This individual routinely changes the topic – although they are always very polite about it. Changing the topic can uncover new thinking and ideas. But, it can blow your meeting agenda. Balance the pros and cons of a disrupter by capturing topics they raise for later discussion, and then return to the current subject.

Social networker – This personality type is always tweeting and posting live from your meetings. That’s not a great idea since most topics require discussion before communication. Social media is a great way to reach many of the owners, you just need to maintain some control. Use this person’s talents by asking them to tweet and post the outcome of the meeting, and ask them to refrain from posting until the recap at the end.

Sit back at your next meeting, and evaluate your members. Include yourself in your analysis. Do you have some of these personality types? If so, are you always pushing them – like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole? When you start redirecting their focus and putting their talents to use for the homeowners association and Board, you’ll be amazed at the increased effectiveness and productivity in your meetings.


Wise Property Solutions serves condominium and homeowners associations by addressing their financial, association and facilities management needs. The only certified and licensed community association management firm serving the Mountain South (Virginia, North & South Carolina, Tennessee) with offices in the Tri-Cities and Knoxville. Wise Property Solutions provides condo and homeowners association management services in Johnson City, TN; Bristol, TN; Kingsport, TN; Knoxville, TN and the surrounding region.

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