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  • Wise Property Solution

Thankful for HOA Volunteer Contributions

It’s easy to get so caught up in our hectic daily life that we forget to appreciate the good things. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the good around us. It’s a perfect time to consider the many good things that volunteers do for your homeowner association. Volunteers are the lifeblood of a community. Take a few moments this Thanksgiving to be grateful for some of these contributions.

Volunteers serve on your HOA Board, they may also be researching projects, managing vendors and serving on committees. Through their efforts they are making your community a better place to live.

One of the top priorities of volunteers is to preserve and protect the value of your shared investment. Volunteers on your HOA Board ensure that your association has adequate reserves. Volunteers work with management and contractors to schedule routine maintenance. Volunteers often inspect the grounds and buildings for issues that impact long-term property values. The time volunteers contribute to your community serves to preserve and protect one of your largest investments.

Laws and regulations regarding community associations change. Thus, volunteers have to be well versed in legal requirements. They also need a good understanding of finances and budgeting. Most communities operate on tight budgets, so it’s up to your community volunteers to make the most of your association’s money. The homeowners serving your community don’t look for a paycheck for their work.

This Thanksgiving as you reflect upon the past year, think about how much others have done for your community. Maybe you also give some of your time to the community. If so, you know that volunteers don’t look for praise for everything they do. But, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t inspired by a word of thanks.

Take a moment this holiday weekend to say “Thank YOU” to your HOA volunteers for bringing out the best in your community.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Wise Property Solutions.

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