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Tips for Starting and Ending Meetings on Time

Wise Property Solution

Board meetings don’t have to start late. They don’t have to run past the ending time. Responsibility of the meeting facilitator begins with starting and ending meetings on time. If your HOA Board meetings are out of kilter, it’s time to change the habits and expectations of Board members and attendees. Most participants conform when the Board (as a group) sets forth expectations and consistently adheres to them.

Like any team, the HOA Board is stronger as a group instead of each individual member. Thus, the group should agree to any new rules and enforce them fairly and consistently. Below are some tips to help your HOA Board start and finish meetings on time.

Organizer Tips

  • Communicate the time of the meeting (beginning and ending times) and adhere to those times.

  • Send a reminder email the day before the meeting that includes the agenda and times.

  • Stay on topic during the meeting.

  • Use a “parking lot” to capture ideas and items identified for future discussions.

  • Note agenda topics that need to be researched in more detail off-line by Board members.

  • Be considerate and wrap up the meeting at the previously agreed upon time.

Attendee Tips

  • Review the agenda before you get to the meeting.

  • Arrive in time to get seated and settled before the meeting

  • Ask questions about the topic at hand.

  • Send “inform only” agenda items via email.

We usually don’t think about recruiting volunteers until we need them, but using meeting time wisely can benefit the Board when you need to sign up volunteers. Conducting your HOA meetings on time and accomplishing results can persuade potential volunteers to step up to the plate. Why? Because most people are busy with family, work, hobbies and other volunteer work. Volunteers appreciate it when you use their time wisely. But, use their time poorly, and you can frustrate people to the point that they won’t volunteer in the association.

Why not get the New Year off to a great start. Evaluate the timeliness of your Board meetings. Are there opportunities for improvement? If so, add this topic to the agenda and brainstorm how you can use meeting time more wisely. Be disciplined about beginning and ending times. It’s amazing how you can stay on topic and how much you can get done when everyone knows there’s an absolute ending time.


Wise Property Solutions is East Tennessee’s only Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC®). As the region’s leader in community association management, the firm is committed to the industry’s best practices and continuing professional development. Wise Property Solutions’ certified and highly trained property managers empower well-organized and efficient communities. The firm maintains offices in both Knoxville and the Tri-Cities.

Tri-Cities, TN-VA: 423-926-7373

Knoxville, TN: 865-643-8989

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