Simply filling HOA Board positions isn’t enough to create a thriving community. HOA Boards are most effective when members are good communicators. These skills are the foundation for almost everything you do. Check out some ways your Board can excel at communication.
Be Prepared. Preparation is vital for communication. Whether it’s a regular Board meeting, a committee or off-line research, you need a thorough understanding of the topic. The more you know, the better you analyze problems and communicate ideas. Advance preparation saves time for everyone. And, it leads to better decision-making for your community.
Identify communication strengths. Some people excel at public speaking while others write well. Some are concise, and some are detailed. Typical HOA Board members have a range of communication skills. Help your members shine by playing to their communication strengths. Working together to improve communications also has a side benefit. Collaboration fosters more engagement with stronger relationships among community volunteers.
Put it in writing. Response rate is usually low when you simply say that you need opinions on a topic during a meeting. Boost response rate by putting your request in writing before the meeting. This allows Board members time to think about their response. It also serves as a reminder that a response is needed.
Set a timeframe for decisions. Community issues often require research, discussion and a vote. Decision deadlines help keep all Board members working within the same timeframe. Communicating expected milestones and deadlines keeps your projects on track.
Be a good listener. People have different communication styles. Sometimes, you have to listen intentionally to someone whose style differs from yours. Remember that each HOA Board member deserves to be heard in a respectful environment. If you find your mind wandering, put yourself in listen mode.
Regardless of your community’s size, there’s always work to do in a homeowner association. This old saying is true: “Many hands make light work.” Effective communication among team players can help create a thriving community with less work.
Wise Property Solutions is East Tennessee’s only Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC®). As the region’s leader in community association management, the firm is committed to the industry’s best practices and continuing professional development. Wise Property Solutions’ certified and highly trained property managers empower well-organized and efficient communities. The firm maintains offices in both Knoxville and the Tri-Cities.