Serving on your HOA or condominium Board isn’t always smooth sailing. There are many difficult decisions to make, disputes to settle, budgets to balance and much more. So, why do some people choose to serve on their board? Because there are perks to being on the Board. If you are less than enthusiastic about getting involved with your Board, consider these points.
In the Know: Serving on the Board means that you are aware of what’s happening in your community. You choose to take an active role in managing and improving the community, which is also an ideal way to manage the investment you made in your home.
Better Relationships: Being a Board member gives you an opportunity to get to know other Board members, community volunteers and some of your neighbors. It has built-in social opportunities. Developing stronger relationships with your neighbors makes it easier to discuss options and solve problems when they arise in the community.
Volunteers Welcome: Everyone in the community has different talents and skills that are useful in running a homeowner association. So, don’t shy away from Board opportunities because you feel others may be more qualified. It’s your responsibility to get involved and use your talents in the community.
More Knowledge: When you serve on the Board, you learn about changing laws that can affect your association, the HOA industry, vendors, environmental issues, contracts and more. Being involved in Board research and discussions opens up a whole new world of learning about and solving the issues facing your community.
Solve Problems: Getting involved helps owners look out for their interests and solve community problems the right way. Board members have the opportunity understand why certain rules are in place and weigh in on standards for the community. It’s the ideal way to set your community up for future success.
Keep Mum: You’ve probably heard people say that individuals who don’t vote in political elections shouldn’t complain about the job the elected officials are doing. The same philosophy applies to HOA Boards. If you aren’t willing to serve your community, do you have the right to complain about the decisions that other volunteers make? If you aren’t happy with how your association is run, let your voice be heard by volunteering to serve.
Wise Property Solutions is a property management company serving East Tennessee with offices in Knoxville, TN and the Tri-Cities, TN-VA. Specializing in Condominium Association Management, Home Owners Association Management, HOA Management and Gated Community Association Management.